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Isolation & Remote work

Counselling Services for Isolation, Loneliness & Mental Health

Helpful tips for Mine & Energy Workers

Isolation and remote work in Northern Canada can have a significant impact on someone’s mental health due to several factors. Here are a few ways it can affect individuals:

1. Social Isolation: Living and working in remote areas can result in social isolation as there may be limited opportunities for social interactions. Reduced social connections and lack of community support can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

2. Limited Access to Mental Health Services: Remote areas in Northern Canada often have limited access to mental health services due to the lack of healthcare facilities and professionals. This can make it challenging for individuals to seek support and treatment for their mental health concerns, further exacerbating their condition.

3. Harsh Environmental Conditions: Northern Canada is known for its harsh weather conditions, long winters, and limited daylight during certain months. These environmental factors can negatively affect one’s mental health by increasing the risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), causing low mood, lethargy, and a lack of energy.

4. Work-Life Imbalance: Remote work in Northern Canada may require individuals to work long hours or have irregular schedules. This can lead to a lack of work-life balance, increased stress levels, and feelings of being overwhelmed, which can significantly impact mental well-being.

5. Distance from Support Systems: Being far away from family, friends, and support systems can make it difficult to cope with the challenges of isolation and remote work. Lack of emotional support and the feeling of being disconnected from loved ones can contribute to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and isolation.

6. Substance Abuse: Remote areas with limited social opportunities and psychological support may increase the risk of individuals turning to substance abuse as a coping mechanism. Isolation can intensify feelings of boredom, leading to an increased vulnerability to substance abuse issues.

It is important for individuals living and working in remote areas of Northern Canada to prioritize self-care, seek out available mental health resources, maintain social connections, and engage in activities that promote a healthy work-life balance to mitigate the impact of isolation on their mental health.

How to mitigate the impact of Isolation on your Mental Health

Here are some strategies to minimize the impact of isolation on mental health for remote workers:

1. Establish a Routine: Creating a structured daily routine can provide a sense of stability and purpose. It helps maintain a sense of normalcy and reduces the feeling of isolation.

2. Prioritize Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote self-care and mental well-being. This can include exercise, practicing mindfulness or meditation, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a nutritious diet.

3. Stay Connected: Make an effort to maintain social connections, even if you are physically distant. Schedule regular virtual hangouts or video calls with family, friends, and colleagues to combat feelings of loneliness and stay connected.

4. Seek Support: Utilize available mental health resources, such as online therapy or counseling services. Counselling practices such as Sandstone Counselling Centre offer remote access to professionals who can support your mental health needs. It’s important to reach out for help when needed and not hesitate to seek support.

5. Engage in Hobbies and Interests: Explore new hobbies or spend time on activities you enjoy. Engaging in hobbies can provide a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

6. Find a Supportive Community: Look for online communities or forums where you can connect with other remote workers or individuals facing similar challenges. Sharing experiences and advice can help reduce feelings of isolation and provide support.

7. Take Breaks and Set Boundaries: Avoid burnout by taking regular breaks and setting clear boundaries between work and personal life. Disconnect from work when you are not on duty to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

8. Explore the Outdoors: Take advantage of the natural beauty and outdoor activities available in remote areas. Spending time in nature, taking walks, or engaging in outdoor activities can be beneficial for mental health.

9. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude: Incorporate mindfulness and gratitude practices into your daily routine. Take a few moments each day to focus on the present moment and express gratitude for the things you appreciate in life.

10. Stay Positive and Practice Self-compassion: Maintain a positive mindset and practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, acknowledge your achievements, and focus on your strengths rather than dwelling on limitations or challenges.

How can I book an Online Counselling session with a Registered Clinical Counsellor?

Text Us (778) 765-4110

Fill the contact form below

* Internet connection and device(s) are required for secure video counselling

Is Online Counseling Therapy for Me?

Pros & Cons of Online Counselling

Should I consider Online Counselling?

Mental Health & Stress Management

Counselling Services for Mental Health & Stress in the Workplace

Helpful tips for Mine & Energy Workers

Energy and mine workers can be affected by stress-related issues in various ways:

1. Physical Health: Stress can lead to physical health problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, digestive issues, headaches, and fatigue. Mine workers, in particular, may already be exposed to physical risks and hazards which can be exacerbated by stress.

2. Mental Health: Stress can also have a significant impact on mental health. Mine workers may face high-pressure work environments, long hours, and demanding conditions, leading to conditions such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse.

3. Safety: Stress can impair cognitive function and decision-making abilities, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. Mine workers need to be alert and focused to safely navigate their hazardous work environment.

4. Productivity and Performance: Chronic stress can negatively affect concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills, leading to reduced productivity and job performance. This can have financial implications for both the workers and the company.

How to Mitigate the Impact of Stress at the Workplace

1. Access to Counselling: Providing access to counseling and mental health support services can help workers manage and cope with stress. BC Registered Clinical Counsellors/Psychotherapists are offering confidential services, supportive resources, and referral services for mine workers.

2. Training and Education: Attending Educational seminars and training sessions about stress management techniques, resilience-building strategies, and self-care practices can help them develop coping mechanisms and reduce the negative impact of stress on their well-being.

3. Regular Breaks and Rest: Taking frequent breaks and rest periods can help alleviate fatigue and prevent burnout among mine workers. Rest and recovery are crucial for managing stress and maintaining overall health.

4. Work-Life Balance: Promoting work-life balance can be challenging in industries with demanding schedules, but it is essential for preventing and managing stress. flexible work schedules, taking time off, and participating to recreational activities can contribute to a healthier work-life balance.

5. Communication and Support: Creating a supportive and open work culture where you feel comfortable discussing their stress-related concerns is vital. This can be achieved through regular communication, providing access to counseling services, and fostering a supportive team environment.

6. Health and Safety Measures: Whenever possible participating health and safety measures improvement in the workplace can help reduce stress and minimize physical risks.

Secure Online Counseling Therapy in British Columbia

How can Mine and Energy Workers access Online Counselling in British Columbia and other parts of Canada?

To ensure the mental health and well-being of mine workers, there are private online counseling services available in British Columbia (BC) that workers can access. These services provide confidential and convenient mental health support, especially for those who may have limited access to in-person counseling services. Here is how mine workers can access private online counseling services in BC:

1. Research Available Options: Conduct research to identify private online counseling services in BC that cater to the mental health needs of workers. Look for reputable and accredited counseling platforms or individual therapists who offer online counselling services.

2. Check Insurance Coverage: If mine workers have insurance coverage for mental health services, such as an employee benefits package, they can check if online counseling services are covered. Read more It is essential to verify what services are covered, how much coverage is available, and any restrictions or limitations.

3. Referral from Employer: Mine workers can inquire with their employers if they have any partnerships or arrangements with private online counseling services. Some companies may offer counseling services as part of their employee assistance programs or wellness initiatives.

4. Contact the Counseling Service: Reach out to the chosen private online counseling service for more information on how to access their services. They may have specific protocols or registration processes in place.

5. Schedule an Appointment: Once connected with a counselor or therapy platform, mine workers can schedule an online counseling appointment at a time that is convenient for them. Many online counseling services offer flexible scheduling options, including evenings and weekends.

6. Attend Online Counseling Sessions: Attend the scheduled online counseling sessions using the designated platform or software. These sessions can be conducted via video calls, phone calls, or even text-based messaging, depending on the preferences and capabilities of the online counseling service.

7. Follow-up and Support: Maintain regular appointments with the online counselor and actively participate in the counseling process. Depending on the individual’s needs, a counselor may recommend a set number of sessions or provide ongoing support and follow-up.

Mine workers must prioritize their mental health and seek professional counseling when needed. Private online counseling services in BC offer convenient and confidential support to ensure the well-being of energy and gas workers.

How can I book an Online Counselling session with a Registered Clinical Counsellor?

Text Us (778) 765-4110

Fill the contact form below

* Internet connection and device(s) are required for secure video counselling

Is Online Counseling Therapy for Me?

Pros & Cons of Online Counselling

Should I consider Online Counselling?

bctf bc teachers counselling coverage rcc

BC Teachers Counselling Coverage

BC Teachers Counselling Coverage

The BC Government added has recently added Registered Clinical Counsellors to BC Teachers’ benefits plans. BC Teachers will have increased access to counsellors of their choice as a result that 4 out 5 teachers reported worse mental health during the pandemic and challenges of the last years.

BC Teachers Benefit Plan will now cover the counselling services offered by Registered Clinical Counsellors.

bc teachers counselling coverage
bctf counselling coverage counselling therapy

Why BC Teachers could benefit from services offered by BC Registered Counsellors?

BC teachers could benefit from counselling services offered by BC Registered Counsellors in a variety of ways.

Counselling can provide emotional support and help teachers process stress, anxiety, and burnout.

It can also provide guidance in managing challenging situations in the classroom, such as bullying or misbehaving students.

Counselling can also help teachers manage difficult relationships and boundaries with students and colleagues.

Finally, counselling can provide teachers with practical strategies to better manage their own emotional state, enabling them to be more effective in their teaching and able to better support their students.

Counselling can be a valuable resource for BC teachers to draw on as they navigate their daily teaching responsibilities.

counselling teachers Kelowna and Kamloops

What steps should be involved in the selection of a BC Registered Clinical Counsellor?

1. Research: Take the time to research different BC Registered Clinical Counsellors in your area to find one that fits your individual needs. Compare their credentials, specialities, and services to make sure they are qualified to provide the type of help you need. Consider their rates, accessibility, and any additional amenities they offer

2. Interview: Schedule the first session with the selected BC Registered Clinical Counsellors. During the session, ask questions to get a better understanding of the Counsellors philosophy and approach. Discuss the type of help you need and see if it is something the Counsellor is able to provide. This is a paid service. Professional Counsellors will bill their time like any medical professional. 

3. Background Check: Conduct an online background check to verify that the Counsellor is a BC Registered Clinical Counsellor. Make sure they have a valid license and have the appropriate qualifications and certifications.

4. Visit: Consider booking a session with the counsellor to get a better feel for their practice  This will also allow you to get a better impression of the Counsellors approach and attitude.

5. Decision: After conducting all of the necessary research and completing the interview process, make the final decision. Choose the BC Registered Clinical Counsellor that best fits your needs and makes you feel the most comfortable.

Coke Mental Health Counselling

Coke Canada Mental Health Counselling Coverage

Coke Canada increased its employee insurance coverage for Mental Health Counselling from $1,000 to $5,000 per calendar year. Coke now allows more flexibility and its coverage now include Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC) from British Columbia Clinical Counselling Associations (BCACC).

The Mental Health Commission of Canada recently reported that 30% of disability claims are due to mental health concerns and Registered Clinical Counsellors can play an important role in supporting the creation of healthy workplaces.

Founded in 1998, BCACC is a nonprofit association with more than 6000 members.

coke canada mental health counselling coverage

Online Counselling in Prince George BC

Online Counsellor in Prince George BC

  • online counselling prince george

Many individuals in Prince George are now asking for counselling services that are delivered remotely

You can now access telehealth counselling therapy services our services from the comfort of your home or remote location near Prince George

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Secure Online Counseling Therapy in Prince George BC

Secure Online Counselling in Prince George BC?

We are doing our best to meet our client’s needs with online counselling. Life events, quarantine, family obligations, commuting and other factors can make it difficult to fit in a counselling session in Prince George British Columbia. This is why we offer our clients from around British Columbia the possibility to access online counseling remotely via our secure online counseling platform.

telehealth online counselling therapy Oil and Mines workers, Kamloops, Kelowna and Fort McMurray

Online Counseling Therapy for Individuals

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Depression Treatment

Anxiety and Depression Counselling Program

Stress Anxiety Panic Treatments

Stress Leave From Work

Crisis Counselling

Bereavement, Grief and Loss


Anger & Mood Swings

Career Counselling

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Family Therapy

Perinatal Counselling

Parenting Consulting

Teen Youth Adolescents

School Aged Children

Child Youth Mental Health Counselling

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Fertility Challenges

Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage & Termination

Pregnancy Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Treatment of Postpartum Depression

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Learning to Cope With Chronic Pain

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Our Mental Health Counselling Therapists are trained to see people for a large variety of concerns. Individual counseling sessions are designed to meet your unique needs and personality

Our Counselors provide resources and information as well as a secure and supportive relationship from which we assist you in working through your personal concerns and help you achieve your goals

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[caption id="attachment_9183" align="alignleft" width="495"]trauma crisis counselling cism intervention  Trauma counselling support[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Depression' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-12pdksq' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9186" align="alignleft" width="574"]signs symptoms depression mental health What are the signs and symptoms of depression?[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Stress' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-10m0bbu' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9221" align="alignleft" width="400"]stress management counselling counseling How create a plan to decrease your  stress[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Stress Leave From Work' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-zg36mi' heading_tag='' heading_class='']

[caption id="attachment_9226" align="aligncenter" width="495"]stress leave burnout counselling Specialized Counselling [/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Grief and Loss' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-yd3xne' heading_tag='' heading_class='']

[caption id="attachment_9229" align="aligncenter" width="495"]grief counselling Grief & Loss Processing[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Addictions Counselling' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-w1cgju' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9432" align="alignleft" width="600"]addiction counselling Addiction Counselling[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Anger & Mood Swings' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-uodk1m' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9439" align="alignleft" width="640"]anger-management Anger Management[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Chronic Pain ' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-tlot5m' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9441" align="aligncenter" width="1500"]chronic-pain counselling Counselling for Chronic Pain[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Walk & Talk Counselling ' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-rwvlfe' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9445" align="aligncenter" width="940"]walk talk counselling therapist Walk and talk counselling therapy[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Hypnotherapy' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-pratay' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9459" align="aligncenter" width="591"]hypnotherapy-hypnosis-counselling-psychology What is Hypnotherapy?[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Career Counselling' link='manually,' linktarget='' av_uid='av-niuam2' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9470" align="aligncenter" width="800"]career-counselling Career Counselling[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [/av_content_slider] [/av_section] [av_textblock size='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' font_color='' color='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-l0d0aioz' admin_preview_bg='']

We only offer individual counselling services to adults at the moment

[/av_textblock] [av_section min_height='' min_height_px='500px' padding='small' shadow='no-border-styling' bottom_border='no-border-styling' id='' color='main_color' custom_bg='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' overlay_opacity='0.5' overlay_color='' overlay_pattern='' overlay_custom_pattern='' av_uid='av-mkpq7u'] [av_content_slider heading='' navigation='arrows' columns='3' font_color='custom' color='#525352' heading_tag='' heading_class='' animation='slide' autoplay='true' interval='4' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-lf9bd6'] [av_content_slide title='Family Therapy' link='page,600' linktarget='' av_uid='av-iswbp6' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9474" align="alignnone" width="1024"]family therapy Family Therapy[/caption]

[/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='School Aged Children' link='page,156' linktarget='' av_uid='av-h2ib7u' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9480" align="alignnone" width="730"]counselling child Child Counselling[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Child Youth Mental Health' link='page,153' linktarget='' av_uid='av-fd4b16' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9484" align="alignnone" width="700"]child youth mental health counselling therapist Youth & Mental Health Counselling[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Teen Adolescent Counselling' link='page,163' linktarget='' av_uid='av-el7pwq' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9488" align="alignnone" width="496"]counselling teen adolescent Counselling for Teens[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9488" align="aligncenter" width="496"] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Parenting Consulting' link='page,602' linktarget='' av_uid='av-bsqluy' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9493" align="alignnone" width="560"]parenting counselling Parenting[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [av_content_slide title='Perinatal Counselling' link='page,612' linktarget='' av_uid='av-aepzbu' heading_tag='' heading_class=''] [caption id="attachment_9497" align="alignnone" width="1500"]perinatal pregnancy counselling Perinatal Counselling[/caption] [/av_content_slide] [/av_content_slider] [/av_section]

Is Online Counseling Therapy for Me?

Pros & Cons of Online Counselling

Should I consider Online Counselling?

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Canada

Workplace Critical Incident Stress Debriefing in Canada

CISD for the Workplace, First Responders, Schools, and Groups

Canadian Workers or individuals responding to emergency events or witnessing them will see and experience events that affect their ability to function. Critical Incident Stress will affect Canadian workers differently. Someone being involved in a Traumatic Critical Incident may experience physical and physiological signs & symptoms.  Critical Incident Stress, is the body’s normal reaction to an abnormal event.

What is Critical Incident Stress Debriefing?

CISD for the Canadian Workplace, Schools, and Groups

Critical Incident Stress is a strong emotional reaction that can prevent people to perform their regular duties within their work, social and family environment

  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD):  short-term group onsite intervention process focuses on the immediate event;
  • CISD: structured or unstructured facilitator-led group process designed to help individuals to deal with their trauma one incident at the time, by allowing them to talk about an incident without judgment or criticism;
  • This process includes an interactive educational presentation about stress reactions & mental health;
  • Participants are encouraged to describe their experience of the incident;
  • Presentation content can be adapted to assist your organization according to its needs.

CISD for leaders

What can be done when CISM team leaders are starting to feel overwhelmed and they are beginning to experience the same feelings as the trauma survivors?

Our experienced Canadian Mental Health Consultants/Counsellors can help your organization to mitigate this potential concern and keep CISM leaders in good mental health starting with vicarious trauma & suicide prevention.

Book today (778) 765-4110 TEL/SMS

Online Counselling Merritt BC

Online Counselling in Merritt

There is a high demand for secure  Online Counselling or Remote Counselling Services in Merritt

You can now access Tele-Counselling Therapy services from the comfort of your home in Merritt or a remote location

Our Video platform is secure and private

Telehealth Within 24 hrs* BOOK TODAY

Secure Online Counseling Therapy in Merritt BC

Why Secure Online or Telephone Counselling?

We are welcoming the shift to providing a new and flexible counselling service by offering counselling by telephone or video calls.   Recent life events, quarantine, social distancing, family obligations, commuting from Merritt, and other factors can make it challenging t to adjust schedules to accommodate traditional counselling session in-office.

In response to this need, we now offer Merritt residents and persons from other locations in BC and Canada, the freedom to access counselling remotely via telephone and our secure online counselling platform.

Research supports the Secure Video counseling as an equal alternative to counselling therapy offered face-to-face or in-person.

How Secure Online Counselling is delivered to Merritt Residents?

When counseling therapy services are delivered by other means than telephone our Online Counseling Therapy is delivered using secure, authenticated and
encrypted video/chat application*

Another term to describe Online Counselling is Tele-Counselling. It includes Telephone or Video counselling.  Tele-Counselling is a term that provides quick-reference to a remote counselling service offered in either manner.

How can I book an Online Counselling appointment with a BC Registered Clinical Counsellor RCC or CCC?

Text/Call: (778) 765-4110

Fill out the contact form below:

* Internet connection, data, and suitable device(s) are required for secure online counselling. We suggest that you verify your data package/speed with your local Internet services provider.

Online Counselling Therapy Services Available to Merritt Residents

Is Online or Telephone Counseling Therapy for Me?

Pros & Cons of Merritt Online Counselling

Should I consider Online Counselling?

Penticton counselling online and stress, depression therapy Kelowna

Online Counselling Penticton

Online Counselling in Penticton

Many individuals in Penticton area are now asking for counselling services that are delivered remotely

You can now access online counselling therapy services our services from the comfort of their home or remote location in Penticton.

Telehealth Within 24 hrs* BOOK TODAY

Secure Online Counseling Therapy in Penticton

Secure Online Counselling for Penticton residents?

We are doing our best to meet our Penticton clients needs by telephone, video calls. Life events, quarantine, family obligations, commuting and other factors can make it difficult to fit  a face-to-face counselling session. This is why we offer our clients from Penticton and around the province the possibility to access counselling remotely via telephone and our secure online counselling platform.

Penticton counselling online and stress, depression therapy Kelowna

What is Secure Online Counseling?

When counseling services are delivered by other means than Telephone our Online Counselling Services are delivered using a confirmed, secure, authenticated and
encrypted video application.*

Before the first online counseling appointment takes place we provide you a detailed description of the online counseling therapy services we offer.

How can I book an online counselling appointment with a Registered Clinical Counsellor?

Text/Call – (778) 765-4110

Fill the e-mail contact form below

* Internet connection and device(s) required for secure video counselling therapy.

Online Counseling Therapy for Individuals

Is Online Counseling Therapy for Me?

Pros & Cons of Online Counselling

Should I consider Online Counselling?

Online Counselling Kamloops

Online Counselling Services in Kamloops

  • online counselling kamloops for Anxiety and stress or panic, also in Edmonton

 Kamloops residents are now requesting online counselling services

You can now access online counselling therapy services in the Kamloops Area from the comfort of your home or your work environment

Schedule with a local Counsellor/Counselling Therapist and make the easy transition to in-office sessions when needed

Telehealth Within 24 hrs* BOOK TODAY

Secure Online Counseling Therapy for Kamloops Area Residents

Secure Counselling in Kamloops?

We are responding to the needs of our Kamloops clients with online, secure counselling options.   Recent life events, quarantine, working from home, family obligations, commuting to work in the North and other factors can make it difficult to fit in a counselling sessions.  Our option to provide Remote Counselling options when needed, and transition to one of our Kamloops Counselling offices, is proving to be a flexible options for our clients.

We now offer anyone interested in counselling from anywhere around Kamloops, as well as other parts of BC, the option to access counselling remotely via secure online counselling video platforms.

What is Secure Online Counseling?

When counselling services are delivered by means other than face-to-face in our offices, via Telephone or Video it becomes Online Counselling Therapy.  Online Counselling services are delivered using a , secure and encrypted video/chat application.*

Video options are available on your phone, laptop, table/iPad, or desktop.  Prior to your first session we will provide more specific detail regarding the eCounselling services we offer.

You do not need to be technologically adept to use the Video platform, you merely click to button on your session reminder emails and the Video loads into your browser (iOS clients will require a slightly different method).  We guide you through the first session, and make sure you are all set-up prior to the session start.

How can I book a Counselling appointment with a Sandstone Registered Clinical Counsellor based in Kamloops?

SMS/Call: (778) 765-4110

Feel free to TXT Us, Call US, or fill the Contact Form at the bottom of the website, if you would like to schedule a session or ask any questions:

* Internet connections, data plans and device(s) are required for online counselling therapy.  Telephone counselling is available if there are any limitations to receiving these services.

Online Counseling Therapy for Individuals in Kamloops

Is Online Counselling for Me?

Pros & Cons of Online Counselling

Learn more About Online Counselling Services in Kamloops
telehealth online counselling therapy in Dawson Creek and Fort McMurray

Telehealth Online Counselling Therapy Canada

Telehealth | Online Counselling Therapy in Canada

Canadian Residents are are now asking for counselling services that are delivered remotely.

All clients from the Province of British Columbia and other parts of Canada can access Telehealth Counselling Therapy from the comfort of their own homes or other remote locations.

Telehealth Within 24 hrs* BOOK TODAY

online counselling therapy Prince George and Burnaby

Secure Online Counseling Therapy for Canadians

Secure Online & Telephone Counselling?

We are offering the flexibility of remote counselling services via telephone, video calls/chats.

Life events, family obligations, long hours commuting and other factors can make it difficult to fit in a counselling session.  Thus, we offer our clients from the Province of BC, and other parts of Canada the flexibility of accessing counselling remotely via telephone or our secure online counselling platforms.

What is Secure Online Counseling Therapy?

When service are delivered by other means than in-office, we offer telephone/video counselling through our Telehealth system.  This system provides Counselling Therapy via a secure and
encrypted video/chat platform.*

How can I book an Online Counselling appointment with a Sandstone Counselling Therapist?

Text/Call: (778) 765-4110

Complete the Contact Form below, including the Province/Territory you reside in (used to determine which services are available):

  • Secure Internet connections, data plans and device(s) required to take advantage of video services.
telehealth online counselling therapy in Dawson Creek and Fort McMurray

Secure Online Counseling Therapy Across Canada

Online & Telephone Counselling in Vancouver

Online & Telephone Counselling in Kamloops

Online & Telephone Counselling in Merritt

Online & Telephone Counselling in Prince-George

Online & Telephone Counselling in Penticton

Online & Telephone Fort St-John

Online & Telephone Counselling Kitimat

Online & Telephone Counselling Victoria

Online & Telephone Counselling 100 Mile House
Online & Telephone Counselling Aldergrove
Online & Telephone Counselling Alert Bay
Online & Telephone Counselling Alexis Creek
Online & Telephone Counselling Alice Arm – Kitsault
Online & Telephone Counselling Anahim Lake
Online & Telephone Counselling Anmore
Online & Telephone Counselling Argenta
Online & Telephone Counselling Armstrong
Online & Telephone Counselling Ashcroft
Online & Telephone Counselling Atlin
Online & Telephone Counselling Avola
Online & Telephone Counselling Balfour
Online & Telephone Counselling Bamfield
Online & Telephone Counselling Barkerville
Online & Telephone Counselling Barnston Island
Online & Telephone Counselling Barriere
Online & Telephone Counselling Beaverdell
Online & Telephone Counselling Belcarra
Online & Telephone Counselling Bell II
Online & Telephone Counselling Bella Coola
Online & Telephone Counselling Blue River
Online & Telephone Counselling Boston Bar
Online & Telephone Counselling Boswell
Online & Telephone Counselling Bowen Island
Online & Telephone Counselling Bralorne
Online & Telephone Counselling Bridesville
Online & Telephone Counselling Britannia Beach
Online & Telephone Counselling Burnaby
Online & Telephone Counselling Burns Lake
Online & Telephone Counselling Cache Creek
Online & Telephone Counselling Campbell River
Online & Telephone Counselling Canal Flats
Online & Telephone Counselling Cassiar
Online & Telephone Counselling Cassidy
Online & Telephone Counselling Castlegar
Online & Telephone Counselling Cawston
Online & Telephone Counselling Cedar
Online & Telephone Counselling Central Saanich
Online & Telephone Counselling Chase
Online & Telephone Counselling Chemainus
Online & Telephone Counselling Cherryville
Online & Telephone Counselling Chetwynd
Online & Telephone Counselling Chilanko Forks
Online & Telephone Counselling Chilliwack
Online & Telephone Counselling Christina Lake
Online & Telephone Counselling Clearwater
Online & Telephone Counselling Clinton
Online & Telephone Counselling Cloverdale
Online & Telephone Counselling Coalmont
Online & Telephone Counselling Cobble Hill
Online & Telephone Counselling Coldstream
Online & Telephone Counselling Colwood
Online & Telephone Counselling Comox
Online & Telephone Counselling Coombs
Online & Telephone Counselling Coquitlam
Online & Telephone Counselling Cortes Island
Online & Telephone Counselling Courtenay
Online & Telephone Counselling Cowichan Bay
Online & Telephone Counselling Craigellachie
Online & Telephone Counselling Cranbrook
Online & Telephone Counselling Crawford Bay
Online & Telephone Counselling Crescent Valley
Online & Telephone Counselling Creston
Online & Telephone Counselling Crofton
Online & Telephone Counselling Cultus Lake
Online & Telephone Counselling Cumberland
Online & Telephone Counselling D’Arcy
Dawson Creek
Dease Lake
Deep Cove
Deer Park
Denman Island
Fanny Bay
Fort Fraser
Fort Langley
Fort Nelson
Fort St. James
Fort St. John
Fraser Lake
Gabriola Island
Galiano Island
Gambier Island
Gold Bridge
Gold River
Grand Forks
Halfmoon Bay

Harrison Hot Springs
Hartley Bay
Hornby Island
Horseshoe Bay
Hudson’s Hope
Jade City
Johnsons Landing
Jordan River
Keats Island
Kitwancool (Gitanyow)
Kitwanga (Gitwangak)
Kleena Kleene
Kwadacha Fort Ware
Lake Country
Lake Cowichan
Langara Island
Langley City
Langley Township
Lasqueti Island
Liard River
Lions Bay
Little Fort
Logan Lake
Lone Butte
Lower Post
McLeese Lake
McLeod Lake
Maple Ridge
Mayne Island
Meadow Creek
Mesachie Lake
Meziadin Junction
Mica Creek
Mill Bay
Moberly Lake
Mount Currie
Muncho Lake
Nemaiah Valley
New Aiyansh
New Denver
New Westminster
North Bend
North Cowichan
North Saanich
North Vancouver City
North Vancouver District
Oak Bay
Okanagan Falls
Pender Harbour
Pender Island
Penelakut Island
Pink Mountain
Pitt Meadows
Port Alberni
Port Alice
Port Clements
Port Coquitlam
Port Edward
Port Hardy
Port McNeill
Port Moody
Port Renfrew
Pouce Coupe
Powell River
Prince George
Prince Rupert
Quadra Island
Qualicum Beach
Queen Charlotte City
Radium Hot Springs
Riske Creek
Roberts Creek
Rock Creek
Salmon Arm
Salt Spring Island
Saturna Island
Savary Island
Seton Portage
Shawnigan Lake
Slocan City
Spences Bridge
Tatla Lake
Tête Jaune Cache
Texada Island
Thetis Island
Trout Lake
Tumbler Ridge
Union Bay
Vaseux Lake
View Royal
West Kelowna
West Vancouver
White Rock
Williams Lake
Wilson Creek
Winter Harbour