women health counselling

Women’s Health

Counselling Specializing in Women’s Health

Women’s Health Counselling Services Offered

Sandstone Counselling Centre offers counselling for women, by women.  We provide support to women experiencing some of the challenges our roles in today’s society.  We are daughters, mothers, wives, professionals, and most importantly – unique and individual human beings, with distinct personalities, needs and desires.

Reproductive Health Therapists

Your Counselling Therapist provides support through

one of the most multidimensional aspects

of being a woman: Fertility.

Skilled & Specialized Counselling Therapist

Because being a women challenges our hopes, desires and future visions.  Our counsellors are skilled and experienced at supporting women through fertility/infertility, perinatal concerns, and the postpartum period.  Our trained counsellors have a minimum of 6 years Post-Secondary education, holding Masters Degrees from authorized degree-granting institutions.

postpartum depression therapy and counselor Kamloops, Kelowna and Burnaby

Treatment of Postpartum Depression

Counselling Therapy for Postpartum Depression

Help with Dealing & Treating Postpartum Depression

What if that natural feeling of bonding, doesn’t seem to happen for you?  What if your worries take over? or you feel so sad you can’t stop crying?  You are not alone in experiencing an intense postpartum mood that can come with disturbing thoughts.  Some women experience feelings of isolation, despair and self-judgement.

Postnatal Depression and Anxiety – Counselling Support

More than the Baby Blues

It is time to take a closer look when Baby Blues last more than two weeks after delivery.  Each woman’s unique circumstance is explored during sessions, and a collaborative and supportive treatment plan is established.

Experienced & Trained Counselling Therapists

Registered & Certified Clinical Counsellors | Psychotherapists

Our counsellors are experienced in supporting women and families through these challenges.

Counselling support as a member of your multidisciplinary team.

We have experience working in partnerships with physicians, nurses, midwives, and doulas to help support women through the challenges of treating postpartum concerns.

Together, with a care team of professionals, we can offer you Counselling support as a member of your multidisciplinary team.

effective counselling treatments to help with pregnancy related concerns

Fertility Challenges

Fertility Counselling Support for Women and Couples

Layers of Emotions with Infertility Challenges

Fertility and Infertility in Women
Fertility and Infertility in Men
Infertility Treatments IVF
In Vitro Fertilization

Some individuals and couples describe feeling like they can not cope with attending another baby shower, or anger and resentment when another couple conceives.

Clients have questioned their spiritual beliefs, some feel as though they are being punished.

Many of the responses to infertility or challenges with fertility feel shameful.

 The silence around this shame can have a significant impact on the individual as well as the couple.

Flexible life reproductive counselling services adapted to your situation

Individual and couples counselling for families experiencing the challenges conceiving.

Personalized support responsive to the unique concerns arising for each individual and couple. 

Open the door to a new perspective

We have experience supporting clients through these challenges.  

Call and consult with us today.

(778) 765- 4110

kamloops counselling grief and loss

Bereavement, Grief and Loss

Bereavement & Grief Counselling

Our Counselling Therapists offer grief counselling with individuals or see individually family members. Whatever model works best for your situation, we will work toward a common goal:  improved life after a tragic event.

Experiencing Intense Grief

The stages of grief after a significant loss, do not follow a standard pattern as we had first believed.  We now know that although there are recognizable stages, they come in any order and with different intensities.

We offer counselling support through the natural process of grief and loss.  Persons often recall the last contact with a loved one and are unable to let go of a difficult interaction, perhaps a conflict of some kind.  Clients have described believing that they had somehow contributed to the death in some manner.  For example, “if I had only driven to work that day, instead of ….”.

Is it grief that I’m experiencing?

Loss of a Marriage or Significant Relationship
Loss of a Job/Career or Role
Death of a Pet

Our counsellors are offering sensitive and supportive individual sessions for persons who have experienced a traumatic loss in life.  There may not seem like there is any hope out of the intensity of this pain.

Some clients have described their experiences prior to counselling as an isolating and hopeless.  They reveal how they have turned away from friends and family and have tried to face the pain alone. They have either tried to protect their loved ones or have found that no one can handle the intensity of the pain they feel.  That they have been left to deal with it in isolation, either by choice or otherwise.

Do you feel as though everyone expects you to move on?

As though, your time is up? That you should be over it by now?

At Sandstone Counselling Centre we offer the knowledge, wisdom and care that comes from years of experience in supporting people as they move through the layers of this difficult process.

Conversation can invite deep reflection

Individuals experience loss in many parts of life.  Grief and loss counselling also includes the loss of significant connections or meanings.  Loss is individually defined and experienced by each person in a unique manner. The response to a significant loss is individual.  

At times, clients have described feeling judged by loss responses.  They many even feel that their own responses are out of proportion to the expectations of those around them.  The response may not make sense on the surface level of understanding, but can be discovered through counselling therapy conversations.  These conversations can invite deep reflection that may reveal the reasons and context for intense grief responses.


How grief counselling can help someone recover from a loss?

Grief counselling can help someone recover from a loss by providing a safe and supportive environment to explore and express their feelings.

Counselling can help a person to understand the grief process, identify and express emotions, recognize ways of coping with the loss, find meaning in the experience, and move forward in life.

Counselling can also help a person to develop healthy coping skills, build resilience, and learn to manage their emotions.

In addition, grief counselling can help a person to build a support system, find hope, and make connections with others who have experienced similar losses.

At Sandstone Counselling Centre we offer the knowledge, wisdom and care that come from years of experience in supporting people as they move through the layers of this difficult process.