Bereavement, Grief and Loss
Bereavement & Grief Counselling
Our Counselling Therapists offer grief counselling with individuals or see individually family members. Whatever model works best for your situation, we will work toward a common goal: improved life after a tragic event.
Experiencing Intense Grief
The stages of grief after a significant loss, do not follow a standard pattern as we had first believed. We now know that although there are recognizable stages, they come in any order and with different intensities.
We offer counselling support through the natural process of grief and loss. Persons often recall the last contact with a loved one and are unable to let go of a difficult interaction, perhaps a conflict of some kind. Clients have described believing that they had somehow contributed to the death in some manner. For example, “if I had only driven to work that day, instead of ….”.
Is it grief that I’m experiencing?
Loss of a Marriage or Significant Relationship
Loss of a Job/Career or Role
Death of a Pet
Our counsellors are offering sensitive and supportive individual sessions for persons who have experienced a traumatic loss in life. There may not seem like there is any hope out of the intensity of this pain. Some clients have described their experiences prior to counselling as an isolating and hopeless. They reveal how they have turned away from friends and family and have tried to face the pain alone. They have either tried to protect their loved ones or have found that no one can handle the intensity of the pain they feel. That they have been left to deal with it in isolation, either by choice or otherwise.
Conversation can invite deep reflection
Individuals experience loss in many parts of life. Grief and loss counselling also includes the loss of significant connections or meanings. Loss is individually defined and experienced by each person in a unique manner. The response to a significant loss is individual.
At times, clients have described feeling judged by loss responses. They many even feel that their own responses are out of proportion to the expectations of those around them. The response may not make sense on the surface level of understanding, but can be discovered through counselling therapy conversations. These conversations can invite deep reflection that may reveal the reasons and context for intense grief responses.
How grief counselling can help someone recover from a loss?
Grief counselling can help someone recover from a loss by providing a safe and supportive environment to explore and express their feelings. Counselling can help a person to understand the grief process, identify and express emotions, recognize ways of coping with the loss, find meaning in the experience, and move forward in life. Counselling can also help a person to develop healthy coping skills, build resilience, and learn to manage their emotions. In addition, grief counselling can help a person to build a support system, find hope, and make connections with others who have experienced similar losses. At Sandstone Counselling Centre we offer the knowledge, wisdom and care that come from years of experience in supporting people as they move through the layers of this difficult process.